When it comes to starting a project that includes cranes and rigging there are many aspects to consider from all different points of view, and safety is one of those.
Some unexpected workers on the field dismiss the importance of taking care of laws, regulations, international recommendations, and so on, putting in big danger to all parties involved.
At AME we work with deep knowledge and respect for local and international guidelines, especially regarding quality and safety.
We recommend doing regular inspections and designing a calendar to add this as a frequent process in the company, it will help you reduce the chances of accidents and fatalities. You can also avoid problems such as extra spending of money by repairing or replacing damaged equipment.

How often does crane rigging need to be inspected?
We recommend at least once every 12 months so that you can assure the safety of your team and the durability of the equipment.
Also, it is a requirement to have a crane inspected by an OSHA- certified technician once a year as a minimum, but of course, it depends on the use given to the crane. This estimate is the minimum recommended for prevention matters.
For example, OSHA and ASME require a documented and periodic inspection of all equipment once a year.
These inspections include revisions such as checking of brakes, clutches, sheaves, ropes, and wires, an inspection of the structural load-bearing members, and dynamic and static load testing, among many others to guarantee the proper functioning of all equipment.
Crane safety
Only highly qualified and trained people should operate a crane, always following safety standards to protect not only the operator itself but also those in the surrounding area. Hence, the whole workplace is a safe place.
Rigging safety
This is crucial information for the team to avoid accidents and damage. At AME we recommend riggers to keep their hands, fingers, and feet clear of pinch points and always use the appropriate safety equipment for self-protection, also check for overhead power lines before lifting a load since it’s one of the most common accident causes.
And what is a rigging inspection?
It’s when a person conducts the visual inspection of all the equipment like slings, hooks, wires, ropes, and all needed elements used on the crane and rigging before use. It has to be done every time to guarantee its safety and if any sign of damage is found, such as dents, corrosión, scratches, etc, that equipment must be repaired or replaced before being used, with no exceptions.
At AME we do visual inspections of the operating mechanisms, hydraulic systems, elements described before, parts, and other machinery daily. We care about safety and quality because we deliver only the best service for each customer that comes to us.
Trust only in experts, don´t leave your safety in rookies’ hands.