AME, Inc. Blogs

Different types of crane rigging

Different types of crane rigging

When we talk about different types of rigging, at AME we divide this into two classes: standing, which supports the mast and bowsprit; and running, the one that controls the orientation of the sails and their degree of reefing. Only an expert could determine the best...

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Hints about crane rigging techniques

Hints about crane rigging techniques

When we talk about crane rigging techniques there is much information to consider from the beginning and at AME, Inc. we understand that rigging is an important part of all crane lifting operations and we are experts in every aspect of this type of job. So, we provide...

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What is crane and rigging?

What is crane and rigging?

Crane and rigging. When you see these two words you will probably think they relate to very complicated and hard jobs to be done, right? But it doesn't have to be like this. If you count on the right team of experts, you will receive the advisory and needed help to go...

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Inspection of cranes and associated rigging equipment

When it comes to starting a project that includes cranes and rigging there are many aspects to consider from all different points of view, and safety is one of those. Some unexpected workers on the field dismiss the importance of taking care of laws, regulations,...

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Oh wait… don’t write that down. Did you document that? You wrote what? Where is your documentation? It gets so confusing to our supervisors and leaders as to what needs to be documented and what doesn’t. It is really simple … There are six main events that need to be...

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